The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving
Embracing the Power of Paradox in Your Life
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Introduction to
Fill Yourself and
Honor Your Inner Needs
You can look the whole world over and never find
anyone more deserving of love than yourself.
—the Buddha
While we are called to give, and to give joyfully, life also beckons us to master the art of balance. We have a duty not just to give to others, but to give to ourselves—and to see ourselves as worthy of receiving. We have a duty to honor others and to honor ourselves. What makes it so hard? We’ve inherited deep-seated myths about giving that keep us tied up in a lopsided approach to living. It’s like trying to walk a tightrope in a straitjacket; we’re not free to move a little this way or that to regain our balance. There is a way out of the dilemma, a way beyond the myths to the magic of honoring ourselves. It begins where all wisdom starts—through the door of paradox.
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Copyright © 2009 Patricia Spadaro