The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving
Embracing the Power of Paradox in Your Life
Read Excerpts
Introduction to
Free Yourself
and Honor Endings
The beginning and the end
reach out their hands to each other.
—Chinese proverb
“Stay open and receptive to everything that comes your way” has become one of the mantras of our time. Sages, psychologists, and even our best friends recite it to us. Take your hands away from your eyes and welcome whatever walks into your world, they tell us. Resist the temptation to run or hide. Honor everything and everyone in your life as a message or a messenger. It’s true that we are meant to learn from the events, encounters, and emotions that take their turns tiptoeing or tramping through our lives. But does that mean we must embrace everything that shows up at our doorsteps, no matter what it looks like, feels like, or smells like? Therein lies the paradox—and where there is paradox, the magic can’t be far behind.
Read more excerpts from Patricia Spadaro's book Honor Yourself >>
Copyright © 2010 Patricia Spadaro